i remember my mom listening to them a lot when i was growing up...she also listened to a lot of the later beatles, the white album and abbey road were and are her two favorites...and we also listened to A LOT of dan fogelberg... my mom used music as her release...she always has... she plays the organ at church every sunday... and is often the organist who gets called upon to play at funerals... she also plays at quite a few weddings as well... it doesn't stop with the music... it continues on with everything she does... she is a librarian, lover of books, an amazing cook and baker and gardener...she can sew, she can knit, she can crochet, she makes all of her own cards...she cans the BEST jelly... and she can play a mean game of scrabble... it seriously doesn't end there though...i've always looked upon her as a woman who can do anything she sets her mind to do...
my mom is an amazing person...i think it took me a child to realize just exactly where my mom was coming from all those years... and to understand her story.
it also makes me realize how much my sister and i have taught her in turn.
it is truly amazing the lessons our own children teach us...and continue to teach us.