Monday, January 7, 2008

good morning, are you?

my thoughts this morning while i was sitting eating breakfast turned to the fact that my child loves to eat feta cheese...

which led me to think about how many children in America love eating...American cheese.

And it then led me to contemplate the fact that American cheese is essentially not even cheese. It is processed colored oil, basically. Man, that stuff eeks me out. And come on...the corralation between the country and the thought of this overprocessed, non real thing...and how they share a name....yeah...that sent me into a whole new realm of thought...

good morning, are you?


KramSttop said...

dam fine post - the correlation is astounding :). I was never aware of what exactly american cheese was, although I often wondered what made it so american... go figure its just a processed alternative to something real, a cheap substitute for what it should be... all in the eyes of capitalism.

moonwillow said...

Feta is betta!!

c said...

indeed...feta is me some feta....