Thursday, September 4, 2008

the answer of when....

When I paid my rent this month, I also turned in my 30 days notice... turning in my two week resignation at work tomorrow.... and we'll be in California by mid-October at the latest... it doesn't even feel like a questionable move, I've been waiting almost 9 years for this... it feels like I'm going home to spend the rest of my days with the man who I have no doubt that I will love for always.


Laurel said...

Wow!!!! So much adventure coming your way Carrie!

c said...

it is truly like a magical fairytale...

corscorp said...

Are you going to tell us more about him? I wanna know more!! :p

Soulful Hues said...

Oh wow! How did I miss this? Carrie, I'm so damn happy for you. Tell Josh I said thanks for making you so happy. I'm so glad that this is such a natural move for you :)

c said...

I slipped it under the wire... :)

I'll definitely let Josh know that you send your thanks!

Unknown said...

What part of Cali are you moving to, Carrie?

c said...

holly... I'm moving to Arcata... :)