Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Making scones this morning made me realize that I need to do things like that more often. I need to get back into baking and cooking. It is something I've grown to become quite passionate about. There is something very relaxing about it, I've really fallen in love with cooking. I eat better when I'm the one cooking and planning the menu. I tend to get lazy when it is someone else always cooking.

Making the scones also made me long for my own space. I love loving with my parents, they help me out so much, are always there for me when I need them. However, it does put such a strain in my independent nature. There is something so delightful about having one's own pace and feeling free to express yourself, be yourself, and just live how you choose.

Ah well...soon come.....soon come. Things always tend to fall into place when they are meant to fall into place.

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